
Inspiring Innovations

Renowned for pioneering progress in scholastic programs, technology and pedagogy, 百撸影院 provides learning environments designed to expand minds, create community and inspire for life. Opened in 2020, the Inspiring Innovatoins learning spaces were designed to foster the essential life skills of creativity, critical thinking and collaboration.

Donor Opportunities

Our College community is invited to play a leading role in supporting our future generations of Leonardians, expanding minds, creating community, and inspiring for life.

To learn more about how you can support our Building Fund, please contact the Foundation Office on (+61 3) 9909 9569 or email [email protected]

Innovative Learning Spaces

Performing Arts Centre

Central Agora

The Inspiring Innovations Development included an impressive central agora featuring an outdoor performance stage and digital screen.

This central courtyard unites the College community, connecting the Cornish Library with the Leonardian Centre and the new Year 12 Centre.

The agora is a vibrant hub within the College campus, providing a stunning and flexible environment that facilitates both formal and informal performances across a diverse array of disciplines.